OOA/D, User Requirements, Frontend design and development, prototyping

For the sale of young used, cars an Online Platform was build, where dealers and „Niederlassungen“ could search and buy vehicles and bundles of vehicles. The system supports the complete sales process from trade-in to delivery, invoicing and remarketing.

As a lead designer I contributed to a large part of the frontend, which was initially developed with Java/Swing. During improvement iterations new features were developed in a web frontend using the GWT (Google Web Kit), parallel to the existing Swing client.

After Rollout of the first web based iteration, the positive feedback from the users resulted in the decision to end the support of the rich client for external users and focus on the new platform.



  • JEE (WebSphere Application Server 5, 6, 7)
  • OJB, Hibernate, JPA
  • Quartz


  • Java/Swing
  • GWT


  • GIT, SVN
  • Maven, ANT
  • Jenkins CI
  • Polarion / Jira
  • Enterprise Architect
  • JUnit
  • Confluence


  • Migration of Server and Frontend technologies
  • UX Design
  • Accessibility
  • System Architecture
  • Configuration Management

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